Ken Gifford is from Appleton WI, just North of Oshkosh, Wisconsin. He visited us during AirVenture 2005 in Oshkosh and took the TUNDRA up for a demo flight. Ken was pleased with the flight and the TUNDRA's rugged construction and ordred a tail kit in August 2005, right after the AirVenture show. Following are some pictures of Ken's assembly progress.

Rudder parts pre-assembled on clecos.
Horizontal stabiliser structure all riveted together.
Elevators structures riveted and ready for the skins.
Vertical stabiliser and rudder completely assembled.

Wing assembly

Ken aligning holes

You can't have better help then that...

Andrew checking his work...

WOW ! this is beautiful work...realy nice..

Part of the fuselage nicelly primed

Oh ! This is where it goes...

Another view this time inside and with the skin on and the control cables already in..

Now it's time to get the cabin done so we can put the two parts together..You're getting closer...