----- Original Message -----
From: Rollin
To: lucp@dreamaircraft.com
Sent: Monday, December 19, 2005 10:35 AM
Subject: test flight
Hello Luc, I want to thank you for showing Helen and I around and for the test flight. I have been meaning to write much sooner but day to day events eat up the time. I was very impressed with the Tundra and when asked about it, I describe it as a four place supercub. It is still on the top of my list and I am still looking to start a project next fall (after hunting season).
That is the short answer, now for the longer answer. Below is a list of things I liked about the Tundra and things I would like to see changed or added in a perfect world. None of this is criticism of the plane.
Tundra - looks good, flies good, uses hard rivet - good, low landing speed, good instructions, good size interior, good visibility.
All planes are a collection of compromises and the pilot just needs to choose what is most important to him.
The main thing I am looking for in a plane is off field capabilities. Too me this means a low landing speed/stall speed and a tough landing gear. Looking at the numbers given by the various manufacturers, the Tundra is the winner. The qualifier here is "numbers given by the various manufacturers". Sometimes I think the numbers are measured differently by everyone. One number in your literature that I wonder about is the 30 mph stall speed on wheels, this is much lower than my J3. This number seems low but you might get that number with full flaps and full power - behind the power curve - or it could be an indicated airspeed from an indicator that is not accurate. Even so I think your plane will land slower than the others.
The next thing I am considering is carrying capacity. This also includes the volume of the interior and ease of access. A baggage door on the Tundra would be a great addition.
Specific things I like about the TUNDRA:

I really liked the doors on the Tundra opening up.
Elevator trim on the Tundra seemed to be over sensitive to me, this is an easy fix by the builder.
Skylights would be a nice touch on the Tundra, but then, just like in the J3, I could have water dripping on my head…
I liked the landing gear (by Grove, California) that was on the Tundra being built on in the shop.
Bubble windows, I have seen these on other planes and they look good and help looking down. Hummm...but then how would the door open up?
Your building instructions are much better than others I have seen !
A baggage door on the Tundra would be nice.
The ailerons on the Tundra seemed heavy. This is not a make or break item. You mentioned a possible fix with "servo tab for the ailerons". Do they work? does it add complexity and weight? is it really needed?
Instrument panel, a panel that has a little more shape to it would be nice but....... I've been looking at flat panels for so long it is not a big item.
Rivets - I like the hard, driven type as opposed to the pulled ones

I have already started the paint design and am debating weather to use an
electric trim......
Have a great holidays,
Rollin and Helen
Note: contact us at DreamAircraft if you would like Rollin and Helen's e-mail address