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January 1st 2011- DreamAircraft retires the progressive build choice from the listing. ____________________________________________________________________________________ April 6, 2007 - NEW TESTIMONIAL AND NEW PICTURES ADDED ON APRIL 6, 2007 Click here to see a new testimonial from Jim Kinninger on his experience during his builder assist program at the DreamAircraft factory. Click here to see new pictures added in Mr. Réal Morneau's TUNDRA project.
February 27, 2007 - Show dates and information added in the events section for the 2007 show season Click here to be forwarded to the events section to find out which shows DreamAircraft will be attending for this upcoming 2007 show season. Note: See the left side of the events page to see which month has an event and click on the month to see the name of the event and click on the event name to find all the information on the event.
Febuary 27, 2007 - New pictures added in Mr. Real Morneau's and Jeff Page's builder project pages
Click here to see the new pictures added in Mr. Real Morneau's builder project page. February 6, 2007 - New testimonial added in the testimonials section of our web site.
Click here to see the new testimonial recieved from Mr. Lynn Sanderson. January 22, 2007 - New pictures added in S. Mouton and R. Bainvaille builder project page
Click here to see the new pictures added in S. Mouton and R. Bainvaille builder project page. January 18, 2007 - New pictures added in Mr. Jeff Page's builder project page
Click here to see the new pictures added in Mr. Jeff Page's builder project page. January 12, 2007 - Links to Builder Assist Program photo albums added in builder's projects page
Two photo albums where created with pictures taken during the Builder Assist Programs with Jim Kinninger in October and Lynn Sanderson in late November. Links to those respective albums were added in the builder projects page. Click here to be forwarded to Jim Kinninger's project page and click here to be forwarded to Lynn Sanderson's project page. January 8, 2007 - Report on the 1st flight for Mr. Rosaire Gagne's TUNDRA
Mr. Rosaire Gagne made his 1st flight on January 4th, 2007. Click here to be forwarded to our builders report section to see pictures of Mr. Gagne's TUNDRA. November 2006 - Report on the daily progress of a customer during our first builder assist program
Click here to be forwarded to the News section containing a document describing the daily progress of M. Jim Kinninger who was the first customer to take advantage in November 2006 of our builder assist program at the DreamAircraft factory. September 18, 2006 - Canadian certification received for the TUNDRA FastBuild kit
Click here to be forwarded to the Awards section of the website to see the document received from Transport Canada for the certification of the TUNDRA in FastBuild kit version. August 25 , 2006 - New pictures added in the "Tundra Kits Customer Build Reports" section
Click here to see the new pictures added at the end of Mr. Réal Morneau builder's report August 18, 2006 - New customers added in the customer build reports section
Click here to see the new page added for Jim Kinninger in the customer build reports section Click here to see the new page added for Lynn Sanderson in the customer build reports section July 6, 2006 - New pictures of the 2006 Oshawa airshow added in the "Media" section
Click here to see the new pictures added in the Media section July 5, 2006 - New pictures added in the "Tundra Kits Customer Build Reports" section
Click here to see the new pictures added in Mr. Jean-René Rivet builder's report June 14, 2006 - New RSS feeds installed in the news and events section Click here to visit the RSS page
Click here to see the new pictures of the first Tundra tricycle, added in Mr. Robert Blais builder's report June 7, 2006 - New pictures added in the "Tundra Kits Customer Build Reports" section
Click here to see the new pictures added in Mr. Real Morneau builder's report Click here to see the new pictures added in Mr. Ken Gifford builder's report June 7, 2006 - New event added in the events section
Click here to see the new event May 10, 2006 - New options added to the price list page
Click here to see the new options added to our price list page May 2, 2006 - News about the TUNDRA on the go for spring 2006
Click here to see the news about the travel plans for the TUNDRA for spring 2006 April 12, 2006 - Photo album created and updated with pictures taken at Sun'n Fun 2006
Click here to see the photo album with pictures taken at Sun'n Fun 2006
Click here to read the news about the sale of another TUNDRA on the way to Sun'n Fun 2006. March 28, 2006 - New options added to the price list
Three new options were added to the price list; a Superiror XP-360 engine, an engine mount, a cowling with nose bowl. March 25, 2006 - Pictures added to the special features section
Descriptive pictuers were added to the special features section to allow the visitor the see and better understand the value of each of the special features. March 20, 2006 - New builder's project added
Pictures of another TUNDRA project was added in the Customer Build Reports section. Click here to go to the builder's reports section and to see pictures of Mr. Réal Morneau's TUNDRA project. March 16, 2006 - New 2006 DreamAircraft TUNDRA flyer Go to the news section to see our new 2006 DreamAircraft TUNDRA flyer. March 13, 2006 - The TUNDRA's flight itinerary for the trip to Sun'n Fun 2006 was posted in the news section
Go to the news section to see the Tundra's flight itinerary for the trip to Sun'n Fun 2006. Make arrangements to see the Tundra and take it up for a demo flight at one of the planned stops. March 10, 2006 - Photos added in the Tundra media (photos & video) section A new photo album was added (Testing done on the TUNDRA) including 16 photos. 4 new photos were also added to the Tundra on skis album. February 24, 2006 - An automated mailing list was added to our site A new automated mailing list page was added to our site. Click here to join our mailing list (you will be redirected to our mailing list page).
February 21, 2006 - News added A news was added about a TUNDRA presentation tha took place in Quebec city, QC, CANADA February 20, 2006 - Testimonial added A BROWSING TIPS page was added in the HOME section of the web site. February 19, 2006 - Testimonial added We received a testimonial from Ken Gifford from Appleton, Wisconsin. Ken tells us the reason why he chose the TUNDRA. Click here to go directly to the testimonials page.
February 18, 2006 - Pictures of new cargo door added Pictures of the new cargo door were added to the site in the MEDIA & AIRSHOW - Tundra media (photos and videos) section. Click here to see a slide show with the cargo door pictures. Note: You can change the delay (display time of each picture) and the max size (choose a larger max size to see larger pictures)
February 7, 2006 - LAST SITE UPDATE This page was added to help frequent visitors to quickly find, in one spot, was new item was added to the site. As this page evolves, we will take older stuff out and show additions and updates for the last month or so.
February 3, 2006 - CUSTOMERS TUNDRA PROJECTS Many pictures of Tundra projects in progress or completed were added to this section. Click on the TUNDRA button and on "Tundra kits customer build projects" to view these additions. We will be adding more pictures as we get them from our customers.
January 20, 2006 - TESTIMONIALS We added some testimonials from customers building their kits and from people who came for a DreamAircaft plant visit and a Tundra demo flight. You will find these testimonials under the DreamAircraft button, in the Media & Airshow section. More testimonials to come...